📣 Exclusive Black Friday Bonus for First 10 Enrollees – your quiz, expertly built by the team at Interact Software!

Hey coaches, consultants, and service providers...

Discover The Fastest Way To Flood
Your Email List With Subscribers
(And Command Conversions!)

Experience the Power of AI-Driven Quiz Funnels

Put My Biz Growth On Autopilot!
Nikki Clark

“The AI Quiz Funnel Formula is an AMAZING program and the support is incredible! The first week of running my quiz I added 150 new contacts to my email list. My conversion was over 70% and over 9% went on to buy! I would 100% tell anyone who wants to grow their community especially their email list to buy the program and work the entire program. There's nothing else like it out there”

Money Mentor

Let's face it: The online marketplace is


Scratch that. It's downright cramped! 

And it can be incredibly hard to stand out from the crowd when you're standing shoulder-to-shoulder with other business owners who are all vying for the attention of those golden-ticket prospects.

It's enough to make even the pros start to wonder . . .

? "Are Facebook Ads even worth it anymore? They're not converting like they used to."

? "My email subscribers are so silent . . . I'm beginning to think they're all bots!"

? "Why do I waste my time pushing out free content that doesn’t convert?"

? ”And, keeping up with all the latest marketing trends…eurgh, don’t even!”

Untitled design (8)
I've heard it all before. And, here's the thing...

There's one simple (and proven!) strategy that can transform your biz. 

Something that can help you stand out as an expert in a sea of gurus. 

And finally relax knowing you don’t have to scramble to keep up with fleeting marketing trends (’cause you’ve got an evergreen machine doing all the heavy lifting, 24/7.)

There’s a simple system you can put in place yourself to generate leads (I’m talking about those credit-card-at-the-ready kind of leads!) like clockwork . . . 

It’s an AI-enhanced quiz funnel.

Okay, I know what you're thinking . . . 

“Quizzes? Aren't those kinda gimmicky? Or old-school?”

You'd be surprised . . . 

Quizzes Work.

Sure, they’ve been around for a bit. (I've been leveraging quizzes to supercharge my email list and generate sales since 2014!).

But their lead gen power is not fizzling out anytime soon. In fact, in 2023 they are outperforming almost every other type of lead magnet 🧲

Because quizzes present a unique opportunity for us to offer our audience a highly personalised experience. And now, with the power of AI, you can craft quizzes that are even more tailored, engaging, and effective.

Which translates to more clicks, more shares, and more subscribers. (Oh, and more sales, of course!) 

So it's time for a pop quiz. (yeah, I went there!)

Interactive content gets how many more conversions ?

3X more!

What percent of users who take a quiz go on to buy something?


How much more effective is personalised marketing? 


And here's the other thing...

Quizzes get results like these

Well above average lead opt-in rates!

Extra-ordinary conversion rate from lead to sale!

And while the average quiz is packed with entertainment value, they're also a lot more strategic than you might think.

Because, unlike traditional lead magnets, quizzes give us the power to segment our audience based on their results. And offer them customised follow-up content that speaks to their soul (and ignites their buying desire!).

   And it's easier than ever to create a quiz funnel that sets your lead gen on autopilot...

This self-paced, step-by-step program has empowered Hundreds
of service-based biz owners to . . . 

Gain authority as the expert with ALL the answers

Turn a trickle of leads into a full-blown waterfall

Convert leads into raving fans automatically 

...And do it all organically or while spending less than
$5 per day on ads!

Looking for a Generic Solution?


Yeah... You’re Not Gonna Find That Here

❌  This isn't a YouTube video that's going to make you compromise your authenticity to create a fluff-filled quiz. (But hey, I don’t judge. If you wanna find out your celebrity soulmate based on your favourite foods, go for it.)

❌  It's not a haphazard course from some guru who’ll give you the basics but guard the recipe for the secret sauce with their life. (Or worse: make you upgrade to unlock bonuses!) 

❌  And it's not a done-for-you offer from an expensive agency that's going to set you back thousands of dollars. ('Cause the tech is really not that difficult to master. Yes, even if you can barely remember how to log in to your Netflix account!)

Untitled design (9)

This is a highly-specialized course that's:

âś“ Created exclusively for coaches, consultants, creators and savvy service providers who want to generate leads strategically (and automatically!)

✓ Designed by me, Nikki Clark, a real-world brand strategist and quiz pro who actually uses quizzes to hit revenue targets (I’m talking about $328,000 from a quiz funnel in one year alone . . . but more on that later!)

âś“ The only DIY solution that gives you ALL the resources and extras you need to get your quiz funnel churning out leads . . . in just 3 hours!



Email Lists Are Growing
(And Sales Are Flowing!)

Nikki Clark

“We're seeing a 2X Return on Ad spend with our quiz which is higher than we've achieved before the quiz!”

Undercover Architect

Nikki Clark

“I've doubled my traffic and generated x100 more subscribers compared to my other opt-ins and my quiz conversion rate is 70%!”

Grant Method

Let’s Take A Look At The Scoreboard

Dive deep into the AI Quiz Funnel Formula, and what awaits you
is more than just another course.


Each meticulously designed to guide you from quiz novice to lead-gen maestro.


Say goodbye to guesswork. With my step-by-step AI prompts, you'll craft a quiz lead magnet that not only captivates but also supercharges your conversions. And the best part? You'll do it in a fraction of the time it would typically take. 


This course isn't for everyone. It's for entrepreneurs who understand the value of deep insights from their leads. For those who want to craft a quiz that resonates, engages, and, most importantly, converts.

AQFF Module 1

Lay the groundwork for a wickedly high-converting quiz funnel. In this module, you'll dive into:

  • First Impressions Matter: Discover the three non-negotiables of a quiz that doesn't just look pretty but gets the cash register ringing.
  • Pick Your Poison: Three high-converting funnel structures laid out step-by-step. Choose one the one that aligns with your business vision
  • Flaunt Your Expertise: Craft a quiz that screams, "I'm the boss here!" And not in a bossy way.
  • AI's Got Your Back: Use my intelligent AI prompts and let CHATGPT do the heavy lifting. You just sit back and approve its genius.

Ready to hit the conversion sweet spot? I'll empower you to turn over 40% of your quiz takers into email subscribers (Yes, I'm serious!). This part reveals how to:

  • Mind-Reading 101: Craft results that'll have users asking, "Did they raid my dream journal or what?"
  • Questions That Pop: Ditch the snooze-fest. I'm handing you the secret sauce to questions that are as entertaining as they are enlightening.
  • AI-Powered Wizardry: Give CHATGPT my specially-crafted copy template, and watch it churn out conversion-optimized results faster than you can say, "show me the money."
  • Not-Your-Average Question Guide: This ain't just a checklist. It's your golden ticket to crafting questions that are cheeky, charming, and crafted for killer conversions.
AQFF Module 2
AQFF Module 3

Tech headaches? Not on my watch. Let's get that quiz up and running:

  • Build It Without The Bills: Discover the software so user-friendly even your technophobe gran could whip up a quiz. Plus, learn the secret to getting it built for you, on the house.
  • Everywhere & Anywhere: Embed that quiz everywhere it matters. Your website, ads, landing pages, social and beyond.
  • Emails That Get RSVPs: No more shouting into the void. I'll show you how to craft emails that not only get opened

Got your quiz? Check. Now, let's make it famous:

  • Emails They Can't Ignore: Snag pre-written and customisable templates for emails crafted to captivate, click, and convert
  • Templates Galore: Because who has time to start from scratch? Not you.
  • Social Media Stardom: My promo templates are your ticket to the A-list.
AQFF Module 4

More Bonuses!

I told you this course covers it ALL, right?
Take your quiz (and your sales!) to the next level with six exclusive extras:

Unlock my three go-to funnel maps and discover the straightforward way to nurture your leads (and start bringing in sales right away!). These work no matter what you're selling. Services? Courses? High-ticket programs? I've got your roadmap at the ready.

A compelling title can be the difference between constant clicks and . . . crickets. So go on and steal my top 50 quiz titles. Use them as a template or let them spark your creativity. You're sure to find inspiration in these titles (yes, even if your industry is incredibly niche!).

Power up your quiz copy and prime every title, question, result and email to persuade and convert. I'm also giving you a gallery of swipe examples to model for your own quiz  

Fill Your Funnel Without Draining Your Bank Account

My AI Quiz Funnel Formula is worth thousands

But you'll unlock everything you need to take your email list (and sales!) up a notch –
the four core modules AND the three exclusive bonuses – for just . . .

 TOTAL VALUE: $1,127 




Enjoy just one easy-peasy payment of $297



Enjoy just one easy-peasy payment of $297

Nikki Clark

“The Brand Power Quiz Method is incredible. I swear it's just answered all my questions of pulling all the pieces together. I'm OBSESSED.

I'm truly grateful that I found your brand. This is the EXACT support I need and have been looking for. Great job and sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart!!!”

Wealth Strategist

Meet Your Quiz Master


...That's me, Nikki Clark. I'm a brand strategist, content marketer, and copywriter. And – if you somehow haven't already guessed it – I'm a big fan of quizzes. 

And that's not just because they're entertaining (and maybe even the slightest bit addicting!) but it's also because I've seen firsthand the lasting impact they can have on a brand. 

I launched my first quiz back in 2014. In just three weeks, over 1,500 people had taken it. (And that alone blew my mind!) But what's even more mind-boggling is that the leads I collected through my quiz funnel were so engaged – so primed and ready to buy – that I booked out my services a year in advance. (Yes, a full 12 months!)

It's safe to say I've never looked back since. Today, over 25,000 people have taken my quizzes. And they're still just as effective as they were almost 10 years ago. In fact, my Brand Story Archetype quiz is responsible for helping me hit well over a quarter-million in revenue. (But that's nothing compared to the peace of mind it's given me knowing I don't have to pump out new content day after day.) 

Nikki Clark

I’m on a mission to empower others to increase their visibility and sales too. I help my clients launch (and sell!) their offers, land high-impact speaking gigs, and reach their wildest revenue goals (I'm talking millions!). And I can help you elevate your brand as well. 

It all starts with my AI Quiz Funnel Formula

You'll LOVE This Course...

I'm a big believer in taking risks . . . In fashion. In love. In adventure. 

BUT you shouldn't have to take risks with your hard-earned cash. Or the biz you’ve poured your heart and soul into.

That's why your purchase is backed by my 100% Happiness Guarantee. 

Give AI Quiz Funnel Formula a go for seven days. Embrace the lessons. Complete the workbooks. Apply the material. If you're not totally satisfied with the insights it delivers or you're stuck on something and just can't seem to make it work  Contact us within seven days of enrolment, send in your workbook and quiz and we’ll give you a full refund. 

Risks can be freeing . . . but sometimes peace of mind is better.

I'll Take My Investment Risk-Free, Please!

Are You Ready To Watch Your List Grow?

AI Quiz Funnel Formula is perfect for you if you're a coach, consultant, or service provider who's: 

T I R E D of throwing up social posts #EveryDamnDay. There's got to be a better way to attract leads, right? (Psst! This is it. This is the better way.)

Intrigued by the idea of creating a quiz funnel that S E L L S. (Yes, even if you don't have a sweet clue what your quiz would even ask!)

Straight-up D O N E with one-to-one marketing and ready to embrace the wonderful (but admittedly intimidating) world of automation. (Don't worry, my training will be with you at every turn!)

Eager to leave the tire-kickers in the dust and start attracting leads who L O V E what you do ( . . . and are more than willing to pay you for what you've got!). 

Game to finally stop operating as the best-kept secret in your industry and get K N O W N as the expert you are. *Cue the applause*

Ready to fill your email list with prospects, F A S T. (Like I-want-new-leads-in-just-48-hours kind of fast!)

Nikki Clark

“I still have your Brand Archetype report 5 years on and I still use it! Goes to show how valuable a great quiz can be for your business.”

Business & Mindset Mentor

Nikki Clark

“A quiz is such a great way to make a personal connection with your audience right away from that first interaction. It skips the getting to know you part and fast tracks your know, like and trust!”


Go On, Quiz Me!

Can I make this course work with my already busy schedule?

I'll start with the short answer . . . Hell, yeah! And the long answer? I'm giving you four self-paced modules. So if you feel like taking it slow and soaking up all the expert knowledge, you can achieve game-changing results by putting in just two hours a week for four weeks. If slow just isn't your speed (and I'm right there with ya!), you can launch your lead-generating machine – yes, I'm talking about your quiz funnel! – in just 3 hours!

Tech is not my friend. What if I get stuck?

Pssh! I'll get you buddy-buddy with tech in no time. (Because, truthfully, building an effective quiz is not that hard . . . at least not when you have the step-by-step instructions at your fingertips!) But if you do get stuck, I’ll give you all the links to get support from my friends at Try Interact. And if you're still not 100% happy (even though I'm confident you will be!), don't hesitate to take advantage of my seven-day money-back guarantee.

What makes this quiz course different from all the rest?

I wasn’t kidding when I said this course is the OG. I've been building quizzes since 2014. And I've been teaching others how to use quizzes to pack their email lists with ideal prospects for nearly as long. So when you sign up for AI Quiz Funnel Formula, you're getting proven strategies. Not generic advice from an online tutorial or a half-baked course from a newbie creator. This course is the real deal. Oh, and it comes with ALL the swipe files, creative prompts, and funnel maps I personally use to reach my lead gen (and revenue!) goals.

I'm selling a digital product. Will this course work for me?

Glad you asked! Yes, this course will help you attract your ideal buyers with ease AND significantly rev up sales of your digital offer. But it will also work for those who don't have a digital product to sell. Quizzes are a surefire way to get high-paying prospects lining up to buy your courses, programs, and services (whether virtual OR in-person!).

Need Help Keeping Score?

Sure thing! When you enrol in AI Quiz Funnel Formula, you'll unlock:

Four comprehensive (and ridiculously easy-to-follow) training modules (Valued at a combined $1,127!)

âś“ Fool-Proof Funnel Foundations: Design a funnel that churns out your dream leads 24/7 using my go-to models

âś“ Conversions On Command: Get perfect-fit prospects clicking (and buying!) using my proven methods to amplify desire

âś“ Stress-Free Setup: Embrace easy-to-use tech and create a seamless user experience using my simple quiz-building structure

âś“ The Ultimate List Assist: Increase your email subscribers (without increasing your stress levels!) using my highly-coveted list-building strategies

. . . Six exclusive BONUSES (Valued at a combined $1,127!)

✓ Three maps that’ll help you build your funnels (and avoid the detours!)

âś“ 50 quiz title ideas that'll stop your ideal customers mid-scroll

âś“ Social media post templates that'll save you hours (maybe even days!)

✓ Email swipes that’ll lock in those sales . . . withOUT sounding salesy

✓ Intelligently crafted AI prompts that’ll slash hours off your quiz creation time  . . . 

âś“ . . . AND access to my private Facebook group for all the extra support (and inspiration!) you need.

That's a $1,127 value . . . 

But you can snag it all right now for a one-time payment of $297! 

. . . OR four payments of $77!

Let’s Get My Funnel Flowing!
Stories that Sell Stories That Sell $37.00 (+ 10% GST)

“Nikki helped me take a confused message and turn it into a clear brand.

I have so many content ideas and I'm no longer stuck. I know what to say and where to say it.”

Surfside Yoga Instructor

Stories that Sell Stories That Sell $37.00 (+ 10% GST)

“Nikki knows brand building like nobody else. This is an absolute steal! You won't regret it!
Working with Nikki is alchemy for your brand. I'd say to anyone wanting to grow their visibility and to become known to jump on board!”

Undercover Architect

Stories that Sell Stories That Sell $37.00 (+ 10% GST)

“I've been using Nikki's system for 3 months now for 2 different businesses. So simple, so perfect. Worth the investment MANY times over for the insight and time-saved!!”

Retail Consultant & Ecommerce Expert

Just One Quiz Funnel Has The Power To Elevate Your Influence (And Completely Transform Your Biz!)

Are you ready to start generating the leads you’ve been looking for...in as little as 48 hours?

Yes, I'm ready for it!

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